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  • Food and alcoholic beverage suction and discharge.
  • Specially designed for wine, beer and spirits, up to 190 proof or 95% alcohol content*.
  • SAE Rating: N/A
    Other Ratings: 3A (18-03), FDA Tube: White nontoxic CIIR. Meets FDA and 3A (18-03) requirements.
    Reinforcement: High tensile textile cords with embedded PET helix. Cover: White EPDM – abrasion and ozone resistant.
    Temperature Range: -22F (-30C) to +226F (+108C)
    Other Features:
    • Hose may be sterilized with steam at 226F (+130C) for 30 minutes or with 5% soda solution.
    • WARNING: Not recommended for dry abrasive materials.

    *This correction is to rectify the relationship between the unit proof and % alcohol content in the U.S. system. The alcohol content % = 0.5 x Proof. There arediscrepancies between proof and % alcohol content as it differs from country to country. Calculations for the U.S. are shown here. EXAMPLE: Proof is a method ofmeasuring the alcohol content of spirits. A spirits product that has a 40% alcohol content by volume is 80 proof [40 multiplied by 2 = 80].

    Part Number ID OD Max.
    Vacuum Rating
    (in. Hg)
    Min. Bend Radius
    at 68F
    Standard Length
    (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm)
    T410LL100X100 1″ 25mm 1.46″ 37mm 240 PSI 30in. Hg 4″ 100ft 0.60 lbs
    T410LL150X100 1-1/2″ 38mm 2.05″ 52mm 240 PSI 30in. Hg 6″ 100ft 1.00 lbs
    T410LL200X100 2″ 51mm 2.56″ 65mm 240 PSI 30in. Hg 8″ 100ft 1.29 lbs
    T410LL300X100 3″ 76mm 3.62″ 92mm 240 PSI 30in. Hg 12″ 100ft 2.23 lbs


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