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Application: Chemical processing, Food processing, Nuclear waste processing, Photovoltaic, Pulp and paper, Semiconductor, Water transfer and purification SAE Rating: N/A
Other Ratings: N/A Tube: PVDF
Reinforcement: N/A Cover: N/A
Temperature Range: Maximum Recommended Operating Temp: 250F (121C) Crimp Fittings: N/A
Reusable Fittings: N/A Specifications Material compliant with 21 CFR Sec. 177.2600 (c)(4)(i), FDA
Literature: Versilon PTFE-F High Temperature Flexible Tubing (PDF)
Other Features:
  • High purity/low extractables
  • Abrasion resistance
  • Excellent chemical resistance
  • UV and radiation resistance
  • Mechanical strength and toughness
  • Low permeability
  • WARNING: Versilon PVDF Chemical Transfer Tubing is not intended as an implant material.
Part Number
50ft Lengths
Part Number
100ft Lengths
Inside Diameter (in.) Outside Diameter (in.) Wall Thickness (in.)
TSPVF8-0125-031-50 TSPVF8-0125-031.10 1/16″ 1/8″ 0.031″ (1/32″)
TSPVF8-0187-031-50 TSPVF8-0187-031.10 1/8″ 3/16″ 0.031″ (1/32″)
TSPVF8-0250-040-50 TSPVF8-0250-040.10 8/47″ (.170″) 1/4″ 0.040″ (1/25″)
TSPVF8-0250-062-50 TSPVF8-0250-062.10 1/8″ 1/4″ 0.062″ (1/16″)
TSPVF8-0312-062-50 TSPVF8-0312-062.10 3/16″ 5/16″ 0.062″ (1/16″)
TSPVF8-0375-031-50 TSPVF8-0375-031.10 5/16″ 3/8″ 0.031″ (1/32″)
TSPVF8-0375-062-50 TSPVF8-0375-062.10 1/4″ 3/8″ 0.062″ (1/16″)
TSPVF8-0437-062-50 TSPVF8-0437-062.10 5/16″ 7/16″ 0.062″ (1/16″)
TSPVF8-0500-062-50 TSPVF8-0500-062.10 3/8″ 1/2″ 0.062″ (1/16″)
TSPVF8-0625-062-50 TSPVF8-0625-062.10 1/2″ 5/8″ 0.062″ (1/16″)
TSPVF8-0750-062-50 TSPVF8-0750-062.10 5/8″ 3/4″ 0.062″ (1/16″)
TSPVF8-0875-062-50 TSPVF8-0875-062.10 3/4″ 7/8″ 0.062″ (1/16″)

Note: Every attempt has been taken to provide accurate detailed usable information online, however please consult Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics information documents for the most accurate and up to date data and specifics. Important! It is the user’s responsibility to ensure the suitability and safety of Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics tubing for all intended uses. Laboratory and clinical tests must be conducted in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements in order to determine the safety and effectiveness for use of tubing in any particular application. 2003 Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation This product is priced and sold by Packaged Length. At this time, this particular hose is not available “by the foot” through our site.


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