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The Performance Saddle Pad by Equine Couture is made for the horse and rider with a competitive edge and compliments close contact saddles perfectly. This shaped pad allows for less friction and unnecessary material against the horse. A quilted pattern provides cushion and wicks moisture away from the skin. The Performance Pad is shaped with the curvatures of the horse’s spine in mind; a shaped spine provides room and decreases constriction of the vertebral canal when pushed down by the weight of the rider and the saddle. Soft suede-like material allows for the saddle to grip and stay in place from flat work to cross country schooling. A girth wear patch ensures durability and a long life for your favorite new pad! Available in several tones, the Performance Saddle Pad is perfect for schooling or trailering out to an event!


  • Shaped
  • Anatomically Correct for Spinal Clearance
  • Girth Wear Patch
  • Square Quilt Pattern


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