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Hose Properties:
Application: Air brake, gasoline, fuel, lubricating oils and coolants.
Truck and engine maintenance – Engine and air brake.
SAE Ratings: Meets: SAE J1402, DOT/FMVSS 106 Type AII
Other Ratings: N/A Tube: AQP Elastomer
Reinforcement: Polyester Inner Braid and a Single Wire Braid Cover: Blue AQP Elastomer
Operating Parameters: -40F to +302F (-40C to +150C)
Air not to exceed 250 psi or +250F (+121C)
Biodiesel use up to B20 and max temperature of +212F (+100C)
Part Number Hose ID Hose OD Max. Operating Pressure Min. Burst Pressure Min. Bend Radius Vacuum Service Weight
mm in mm in bar psi bar psi mm in kPa in Hg. kg/m lbs/ft
FC355-04 4,8mm 0.19″ 13,2mm 0.52″ 105,0 bar 1500 psi 420,0 bar 6000 psi 19,1mm 0.75″ 94,8kPa 28 in Hg. 0,22 kg/m 0.17 lbs/ft
FC355-06 7,9mm 0.31″ 17,3mm 0.68″ 105,0 bar 1500 psi 420,0 bar 6000 psi 31,8mm 1.25″ 94,8kPa 28 in Hg. 0,35 kg/m 0.24 lbs/ft
FC355-08 10,4mm 0.41″ 19,6mm 0.77″ 87,0 bar 1250 psi 350,0 bar 5000 psi 44,5mm 1.75″ 94,8kPa 28 in Hg. 0,43 kg/m 0.29 lbs/ft
FC355-10 12,7mm 0.50″ 23,9mm 0.94″ 87,0 bar 1250 psi 350,0 bar 5000 psi 57,2mm 2.25″ 94,8kPa 28 in Hg. 0,59 kg/m 0.40 lbs/ft
FC355-12 16,0mm 0.63″ 27,4mm 1.08″ 52,0 bar 750 psi 210,0 bar 3000 psi 69,9mm 2.75″ 67,7kPa 20 in Hg. 0,68 kg/m 0.46 lbs/ft
FC355-16 22,4mm 0.88″ 31,5mm 1.24″ 28,0 bar 400 psi 112,0 bar 1600 psi 88,9mm 3.50″ 50,8kPa 15 in Hg. 0,74 kg/m 0.50 lbs/ft
FC355-20 28,7mm 1.13″ 38,6mm 1.52″ 21,0 bar 300 psi 87,0 bar 1250 psi 114,3mm 4.50″ 50,8kPa 15 in Hg. 0,87 kg/m 0.59 lbs/ft
FC355-24 35,1mm 1.38″ 44,5mm 1.75″ 17,0 bar 250 psi 70,0 bar 1000 psi 139,7mm 5.50″ 37,2kPa 11 in Hg. 1,02 kg/m 0.69 lbs/ft
FC355-32 46,0mm 1.81″ 56,4mm 2.22″ 14,0 bar 200 psi 56,0 bar 800 psi 215,9mm 8.50″ 37,2kPa 11 in Hg. 1,37 kg/m 0.93 lbs/ft

Bulk / By the Foot: We sell Danfoss hose in “Bulk Length” unless otherwise specified in the title or option selector as “Exact Length”. When you buy “Bulk Length” hose you are agreeing to buy multiple lengths that add up to the length you purchased. If your length can be supplied as a single piece then it will be, but there can be no assurance of this even if you contact us. If you need a single piece then you can select an “Exact Length” option or Contact Us for a quote.

Warning! Danfoss hose and fittings are engineered to match Danfoss Aeroquip hose and fitting tolerances. The use of Danfoss fittings on hose supplied by other manufacturers may result in the production of unreliable and unsafe hose assemblies and is neither recommended or authorized by Danfoss Corporation, Murdock Industrial Inc., or any other entity. Consult current master catalog for additional warnings and cautions.


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