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  • Liquid food suction and discharge.
  • Alcoholic beverages wine, beer & spirits up to 75% alcohol content and 150 proof.
  • Milk tanker collection & unloading-ideal for reel applications.
  • Hot food-constant operations: liquid food up to 230 F (110 C), fat foods up to 248 F (120 C).
  • Fat foods-perfect for animal fats and any vegetable oils.
Other Ratings: Compliant to FDA and 3A standards Tube: White NBR rubber specially compounded to satisfy the highest food industry standards. Compliant to FDA and 3A standards. Phthalate free.
Reinforcement: High tensile textile cords with embedded steel helix wire. Cover: White NBR/PVC abrasion, weather & ozone resistant.
Service Temperature Range: Liquid foods: -22 F (-30 C) to +230 F (+110 C)
Fat foods: -22 F (-30 C) to +248 F (+120 C)
Other Features:
  • Hose may be sterilized with 266 F (130 C) steam for 30 minutes or with 5% soda solution.
Part Number ID OD Max.
Vacuum Rating
(in. Hg)
Min. Bend Radius
at 68F
Standard Length Weight
(in.) (mm) (in.) (mm)
T400LL100X100 1″ 25mm 1.42″ 36mm 150 PSI 30in. Hg 2″ 100ft 0.56 lbs
T400LL150X100 1 1/2″ 38mm 1.93″ 49mm 150 PSI 30in. Hg 3″ 100ft 0.79 lbs
T400LL200X100 2″ 51mm 2.48″ 63mm 150 PSI 30in. Hg 4″ 100ft 1.07 lbs
T400LL300X100 3″ 76mm 3.50″ 89mm 150 PSI 27in. Hg 6″ 100ft 1.94 lbs
T400LL400X100 4″ 102mm 4.57″ 116mm 150 PSI 27in. Hg 8″ 100ft 2.63 lbs


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